Fig. 7. Effect of chronic treatment of ethanol (24 hr) on isoforms of acid extruders in OEC-M1 cells. (A) The western blot results show the changes of isoforms of NHE1, NBCe1, NBCn1, NDCBE and β-actin expression (marked at the most left) after 24 hr treatment with ethanol (10 to 1000 mM; marked at the top) in OEC-M1 cells. (B, C, D, E) The histogram show the relative expression ratio of NHE1, NBCe1, NBCn1 and NDCBE to β-actin that were averaged for 4 to 6 experiments similar to those shown in A, respectively. *p < 0.05 or **p < 0.01 verse to control.